Group Activities and Events - Organized in Minutes

Secure Group Signups for Everything

Create sign-up sheets, guest lists, potluck planners, shared to-do lists, RSVPs, participant rosters, volunteer sign-up lists, and much more.

Create, share, and manage lists together - for streamlined coordination of your groups and events.
Stay on top of everything, without the chaos and confusion.
Free: Create Melly list
"Group stuff, minus the fluff."
Create List

Say goodbye to group text mayhem, paper trails, and endless phone calls.

Who's coming? Who's bringing what? Who's ordering how much? Who can help? Who's available when?
Now it all organizes itself.


📳 Group text chaos
📩 Re: Fwd: Reply: Our project...
☎ "So, what's the status?"
🗯 "I thought I was signed up."
🎒 "I had given this to the kids."


🦄 One online list for everything
🏝️ Set up, invite, kick back
📅 Everyone always up-to-date
🔐 Private and secure
🛡️ No tracking cookies, no ads
GDPR compliant
Made in Germany
All Servers hosted in the EU

The Simple, Secure Online Sign-Up List

to organize all kinds of activities together with ease.

Create unlimited free lists for two, twenty, or a hundred participants - or more.

  • 📋 Almost as easy to use as a paper list or note
  • ⛅ A secure online solution, always current and available on any device
  • 🍼 No training or installation required
  • 📱 Simply share the link - via text, QR code, email, etc. - and others can participate
  • 🔐 Password protection and anonymous entries available
Proven in Practice for Everyday Use:
Tried and Tested with Tens of Thousands of Sign-Ups
Melly has proven reliable in practice with online lists for groups from 4 to nearly 1,000 participants. The ease of use and fast online availability on any device ensure smooth operation - from the youngest school kids to grandparents.

For Schools and Educational Institutions

Melly - the original online sign-up list - saves time, effort, and valuable resources for teachers and administrators.

Appointment bookings, group events, and activities almost "organize themselves". Always privacy compliant - and without the email chains, text message chaos, and spreadsheets that are never up-to-date.

  • 📅 Book parent-teacher conference slots
  • 🎯 Organize school and sports festivals
  • 🚗 Plan carpools
  • 👷‍♀️ Sign-ups for project weeks
  • 🪑 Reservations for events

For Businesses, Departments, and Teams

With Melly's secure online list, you can bring together employees, colleagues, partners, external parties, and guests from all areas.

Independent of internal corporate tools, your project organizes itself competently and reliably - always GDPR-secure and without email chains, endless chats, and confusing spreadsheets.

  • 📖 Offer seminars and workshops
  • 🍾 Plan company and department parties
  • 🚌 Organize carpools
  • 💡 Manage duty rosters and on-call schedules
  • 🪂 Conduct team events and activities

For Clubs, Associations, and Teams

Effortlessly organize groups of diverse people for any occasion: coaches, players, parents, children, companions, volunteers...

Online sign-up lists ease the burden on organizers and participants alike: no more back-and-forth, no ambiguities, and everyone's always up to date.

  • 📋 Sign-up sheets for games and tournaments
  • 🏃‍♀️ Manage team rosters
  • 🧹 Organize volunteer shifts
  • 🚗 Plan carpools
  • 🥋 Order lists for team uniforms
Why Free Online Sign-Up Lists?
We want as many people as possible to be able to use Melly for free. That's why Melly is free of charge.
There may be paid options later for complex functions or professional groups with special requirements. For everyone else, Melly is and will always remain free.

- If you'd like, you can support Melly with a donation. -

Quickly create free online sign-up lists: guest lists, participant rosters, checklists, registration lists, RSVPS, participation lists, to-do lists, potluck sign-ups, volunteer schedules, task lists, reservations, bookings, address lists, wish lists, idea collections...

🚀 Quickstart with Dozens of
Free Online List Sign Up Templates
for Every Occasion


Vorlage: 🦸‍♂️ Helferliste / Anmeldung als Helfer

Für dein Vorhaben suchst du noch Unterstützung, Hilfe, Mitmacher und Anpacker? Nutze diese einfache Vorlage als Online-Liste, in der sich Leute zu deinem Vorhaben anmelden können.

Vorlage: 📆 Terminumfrage erstellen / Termin finden

Mit Melly kannst Du sogar einfache Termin-Umfragen erstellen: Nimm diese Liste mit Termin-Angeboten als Vorlage und passe sie für Dich an. Du kannst auch das Ablaufdatum festlegen und Alternativ-Vorschläge zulassen. So kannst Du mit andern zusammen schnell den passenden Termin finden!

Vorlage: 🍹 Mitbringliste / Buffet-Liste

Nutze diese Vorlage einer Mitbringliste / Buffet-Liste für deine Parties und Events. Du kannst Dinge zum Mitbringen als Aufgabe vorgeben oder einfach freie Einträge zulassen. Mach diese Vorlage zu Deiner eigenen Mitbringliste, Bring-A-Bottle-Liste oder was auch immer benötigt wird.

Vorlage: 🏃‍♀️🏃 Meldeliste Sport-Event

🏃‍♀️ Mit Meldelisten für Sportveranstaltungen haben alle immer den Überblick. Die einzelnen Wettbewerbe sind in Abschnitte mit Angeboten geordnet, die gebucht werden können.

Vorlage: 📅 Sprechzeiten buchen, Termin-Slots reservieren

Die Anmeldung zu Sprechzeiten und Termin-Slots lässt sich leicht und übersichtlich mit Melly erledigen. Hier ist eine Vorlage für die Anmeldung zu einem typischen Sprechtag an einer Schule oder Bildungseinrichtung ("Schüler-Eltern-Lehrer-Gespräch", "SEL-Gespräch", "SELG"). Passe sie für deine Zwecke an - und lösche die Zeiten, in denen du Pause machst 😉

Vorlage: 🗂️ Online Adressliste / Klassenliste

Auch einfache Adresslisten, z.B. Klassenlisten, Mannschaftslisten usw., kann man mit Melly führen. Jede:r hält einfach seine eigene Adresse aktuell. Dank Passwort-Funktion sicher und zuverlässig.

... More Free Online Sign Up List Templates...

GDPR compliant
Made in Germany
All Servers hosted in the EU